Sunday 17 June 2012

Future PR Students

First off, Congratulations ! because you are in the hands of a very good lecturers.

So you decided to study Public Relations for this year. What should you expect ?

Expect a lot of things. Because you will learn a lot depending on how much you want to contribute in class projects. You'll definitely get something. 


Yep. This is for the quiet people. You can expect to work with plenty of people and being quiet in the group can bring you unintended consequences. You wanna get heard ? Be loud. The group decisions are often based upon who the loudest person is. It's tested and proven in social studies. However, this is not the most important skill you need in PR ofcourse. This is just a tip.

Keep up to date with the news.

Really guys. It's simple. You must know what is happening in the news and have an opinion. Whether you want to keep it to yourself or say it to others, have an opinion. In this course, you'll learn about people as much as your ethical boundaries. 

Keep your word.

Why did I put it here? because a great man once said. Part of the secret to success is showing up. You are not only doing a favor to others but to yourself. Reliability and accountability will go a very long way with your classmates and in your professional life. 

Be organized and know your limits.

There are those of you who may think of themselves as superman or woman. You will work with many people and you will have to rely on them. Know what you are doing and help each other.

Be ready to deal with the unexpected.

There will be plenty of curve balls thrown at you. And it will test your problem solving skills. Think on your feet and respond fast in a calm and collected manner.

You will get to network with many people.

The lecturers will help you push your limits and out of your comfort zone. It may seems hard at first but it'll be worth it. You will get to meet incredible people from different sides of PR throughout the semester.

Last but not least. Remember that the person next to you is also there to learn.

First impressions make quite a difference but reserve your judgement until late into the course. PR requires a variety of skills. Different people comes from different backgrounds and they can contribute in many ways. Face it. If you can't deal with different people. You don't belong in PR. Be diplomatic and nice with each other. Empathy is one of the most important quality you should possess. You are not just doing PR for yourself.  PR requires different set of skills and point of views. Acknowledge it even if you can't embrace them personally. Reserve your judgement until late in the course and try to learn from each other. 

Here I send my best wishes to all of you. May you enjoy the occasional boost of adrenalin as much as I did.