Friday 23 March 2012

Group projects are part of student lives. They either teaches a person to be a team player or go to the opposite direction. Personality types matter too when working in groups. Group projects are where the extroverts thrive and the introverts fear. We are now living in a world where extroversion is revered and introversion isn't favored.  My aim is to bring an understanding between the two types when working in group projects.

First I will explain basic necessities for running a group project.

Number 1: Setting roles and goals. It is entirely essential to set roles and goals at the early stages of group project to avoid confusion and resentment afterwards. Every group member must know their role exactly and must be willing to do their part. Being organized means having greater efficiency thus better quality group work.

Number 2: Having time cushion at the end of the schedule

It is important to revise and improve on the group work before the due date arrives. It also helps to finish tasks ahead of time just in case if unfortunate event happens.

Number 3: Work load balance

Why is it important? It is important that every group member should know their personal limitations and not carry the weight they can't. Failure to deliver means hindering the group's goals and objectives. One person must not carry every responsibility while the others do only a little. Clarifying the work load balance means having greater transparency and efficiency in group.

Now for the introverts in the group project:

Know that your opinions matter.


Just because someone speaks up and have the attention doesn't mean that they are always right. Group projects are the area where the risk of Group think occurs. People tend to agree out of their own uncertainty. You must not let your creativity and opinions be drowned out by the surrounding voices and distortions. Remember that most innovative ideas come from inside. You don't have to change the way your brain function to get a long with others. The world needs all thinkers, talkers and doers a like. Thinkers strategize, talkers persuade and doers...they do the job.

Remember that public relations is a profession where you have to be all three. Strategizing, persuading and doing things.

And last of all: Check this amazing Ted talk by Susan Cain. This will bring a greater understanding to yourself if you are an introvert. The extroverts will gain an understanding to the other way of thinking as well.

Monday 19 March 2012

Human wifi hotspots...Click on this article

The first thing that popped up in my head is, how is this going to be practical? let alone being ethical.

It is a bold approach for them to come up with something questionable and entirely experimental. Although the project is well intentioned, we also need to consider how this is going to change the perception of homeless people among everyone.

To understand why it's not practical, we need to look at the reasons why and how people use the internet. Wireless connection is something I expect to be there, without disruptions and without having to deal much with internet service providers.

The other factor to consider is the competing available technology. Would anyone with a mobile internet device, let it be smart phones or tablets go out of their way to buy services from moving mobile hotspot. They have no need for it when they have their own 3G connection on their devices.

The homeless people could be helped in plenty of ways without being objectified into wireless mobile hotspots. Sure, it might give them a chance for their own income and it's entirely up to them. But I don't see this idea going anywhere.


Tuesday 13 March 2012

I'm not a cult follower of Apple products or Steve Jobs but I really like some of his thinking and the way he combined technology with liberal arts ideas. And I wholeheartedly agree with this quote. I believe that the heart is the compass to the salvation.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

This video is a must see for everyone who is interested in awareness raising aspect of Public Relations. I think it's brilliant how they produced this documentary.

Sunday 4 March 2012

The Purpose of Blogging in PR

Blogging to me was a way of sharing my thoughts when it first came into the internet scene prior to the rise of social networking in early millennium. The web 2.0 platform is one of the most important factors that has an enormous influence on how people communicate and share their thoughts with each other. Being able to publish means being able to broadcast your thoughts and information to the infinite cyber space with many other people from around the world. There were plenty of examples in the past decade on how the bloggers have changed the political landscape of many countries including Iran, Egypt and Burma(Myanmar).

I can think of several reasons why blogging is important in Public Relations industry

Number 1: Keeping up with the technology

Public relations is an ever evolving field where the practitioners use all means of communications technology to reach to the broad audience. To stay relevant in the field means to be able to use all types of technological mediums and learn to master the nature and potential of the medium itself. Technical expertise and versatility are the qualities that every public relations practitioners must possess.

Number 2: Blogs are excellent places for research

Part of being in public relations industry means staying in touch with all sorts of issues in society. Since blogs are freely available to create, many people from around the world use it to share different types of information on their blogs. Plenty of influential events can be traced back to the bloggers. Understanding and world events and views of different people gives a public relations practitioner and edge in formulating the better responses.

Number 3: Blogging lets you write your thoughts

Let's face it. We do not write as much as we used to write in our school days. We consume more information than we create. The advance of laptops and personal computers are partly to blame. One can get lost in the infinite pages on the cyberspace while trying to quench the information thirst and it can be achieved instantly. Writing is an art where a person can self discover and organize their thoughts. It's also an essential skill for public relations practitioner to have. Blogging is a perfect medium to start writing again.

Number 4: Blogging is an excellent medium to keep in touch with your target audience

PR blogging is different from conventional blogging. It is more of focused communication between the audience and the blogger on particular matter or organization. It's about reaching out to the audience and maintaining the relationships that is built. Starting your own blog is a perfect way to become more experienced about the whole process.

If you are interested check the below links for more information on PR and Blogging,