Monday 2 April 2012

Last weekend was filled with the recent mid term election happened in Myanmar. My facebook feed was exploded with all the updates from what is happening back in Myanmar. All the celebrities and friends a like posting minute by minute, hour by hour posting the updates of the process. It was exciting and questionable at the same time.

So, when I found this article in " The weekend west ", I wasn't surprised much how much the international attention was on Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar. What is more interesting is, it's the article about her personal love life. It's titled " Suu Kyi's untold love story ". My logical assumption tells me that the editors chose the topic so that it's more relatable by the general public in Australia. It's a love story about a Burmese girl who happens to be the daughter of the father of Burmese independence, General Aung San. Her choice to be with a man from different racial background was a subject of political controversy back in the country as well.  It's really tragic.

Her personal relationship commitments were used against her political goals but it didn't stop the general public from Myanmar to stop loving her. Her personal sacrifices and a spot light place in the international community made her more popular in Myanmar.

So, it was a landmark in the political history of Myanmar when she was elected again into the parliament in the recent elections. She was under house arrest for more than a decade. Survived an attempt to assassinate at Depaeyin and made it through the other political controversies surrounding her house arrest. It represented a triumph and national reconciliation in a country turmoiled by plenty of internal and external issues.

Aung San Suu Kyi is a virtuous woman. There is no doubt about it. Her recent campaign showed that it's unstoppable when the public is totally behind her. Myanmar is not a technologically advanced country. It is astonishing to see the social media exploding with support for her political party, NLD. All my friends, a few of them are celebrities, posted hour by house updates of the election process despite the slow speed conditions of internet. They were posting pictures, videos and news updates as if it's happening right in front of my eyes. It made me think of one of the rules in public relations. What happened in Myanmar is the explosive potential of influential celebrities and people a like supporting the highly influential person. The result is the victory in the elections by a big margin.

Now, the question arises. Such kind of power is a dangerous one. She and her party representatives won almost every ballot on the seat. Mainly due to the fact that the public supports the idealist leader. No one knows much about the representatives of her party until now. Perhaps they will do a fine job. Perhaps they will not. Only time can tell. Sometimes, it's good to view with skeptical eyes from the outside away from the euphoria and romanticism. Are the Myanmar public in love with the election process and victory of Aung San Suu Kyi or the virtues of the party itself ? Where I'm standing at, it's not so clear.  

1 comment:

  1. You have a unique gift...your writing style is fantastic and compelling reading, thank you.
