Friday 11 May 2012

Obama's at it again.

Obviously, it's a political move. A card held closely to his chest. A winning move maybe. 

Remember the first move? Closing down the Guantanamo, bringing the troops back home? Of course, its been a long time.  

Looking back at his first victory in election, from the use of social media to the method of dealing with the public, Obama campaign set the new standards in terms of persuading the public. And sadly, it's becoming over used and predictable for the informed minority. 

As for the same sex marriage it self, my opinion is simple. I do not have strong opinion one way or another of couples voluntarily living with each other. Only in the western societies, this issue is blown out of proportion. Where I come from, it is not objected but it is not highly promoted either. 

Relationships are voluntary as they should be. Bringing the government into validate personal life matters is absolutely wrong in my opinion. 

It is morally unacceptable to use government as a tool to decide which couple gets to stay together and which aren't due to the person's personal beliefs. 

In this case. Let democracy speak for itself. We are quite sure we already know the answer. There are other global issues, war, terrorism, poverty, racism. These things concern me. Not the same sex couples living next door or what's on Jersey Shore. 

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